When you want your stores to sell more, you need to understand how consumers make purchase decisions.
In a 2014 Mass Merchant Shopper Engagement Study conducted by Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI), consumption habits and behavior inside the stores are analyzed through a core methodology of pre- and post-shop interviews as well as a display audit. The results are astonishing and affects how you want to view your in-store marketing strategy.

In-Store Decision Rate
Specificaly planned: Purchases the shopper specifically identified by name in a pre-shopping interview.
Generally planned: Purchases referred to generically in the pre-shopping interview and not by brand.
Unplanned: Purchases not mentioned in the pre-shopping interview and bought on impulse.
Substitutes: Purchases that were specifically identified by name in the pre-shopping interview, but the actual purchase reflects a different brand or product.
The Results
82% of purchases were decided on while shoppers are inside the store.
In-Store Decision Rate by GENDER and by AGE

It can be seen that women continue to have the higher in-store decision rate with 82% of all decisions made in store. Men's in-store decision, although lower than women's, is still considered high at 76%.

Similarly, purchase decisions made in-store are also consistently high across all age segments.
Brand Conversion
Shoppers specifically plan down to the brand they will purchase. However, brands making it on the shopper's list do not always convert to an in-store decision. A brand like Tide falls prey to the open minded shopper with an in-store conversion rate of less than 70%. Not only does this suggest today's Shopper is less brand loyal, but it also suggests the power of in-store media in influencing buying decisions.
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Reference: Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) 2014 Mass Merchant Shopper Engagement Study